
Pubescent angelica root (Duhuo)

Pharmaceutical Name: Radix Angelicae pubescentis

Botanical Name: Angelica pubescens Maxim. f. biserrata Shan et Yuan

Common Name: Pubescent angelica root

Source of Earliest Record: Shennong Bencao Jing

Part Used: The roots are dug in spring or autumn and then baked and cut into slices after the fibrous parts have been removed.

Natural Properties & Taste: pungent, bitter and warm

Meridians: Liver, kidney and urinary bladder

Therapeutic Effects:
1. To expel wind and dampness.
2. To stop pain.

3. To release the exterior and disperse cold.

1. Wind-damp obstruction syndrome (rheumatic pain). Pubescent angelica root (Duhuo) is used with Large-leaf gentian root (Qinjiao), Ledebouriella root (Fangfeng) and Mulberry mistletoe (Sangjisheng) in the formula Duhuo Jisheng Tang.

2. Wind-cold type of exterior syndrome. Pubescent angelica root (Duhuo) is used with Notopterygium root (Qianghuo) in the formula Qianghuo Shengshi Tang.

Dosage: 3-10 g

Cautions & Contraindications: This herb is contraindicated in cases with syndromes of deficient yin or blood with heat and pain.